Vol. 10, No. 3


Monsignor Edward O’Brien had his 100th birthday in his home in Carbonear, Nfld. Kitora Boas rode dog teams all the time in her married young days. 19 legends were gathered by J. Garth Taylor at Nain, Makkovik and North West River Labrador. Harriet Barretts mom had wool come from St. Anthony, Grenfell Mission and would buy it from the Hudson’s Bay Company. It’s not the same year’s ago in Rigolet, everything has changed but the weather and we still get stormy weather’s and batches of snow.



Them Days Vol. 10 No. 3 – 1985

Monsignor Edward J. O’Brien- Nigel Markham
Dogs and dogteams- Kitora Boas
Inuit Legends- Joshua Obed
LABRADOR CRAFTS (Things we had, we made)- Harriet Barrett
Bangbelly- George Blake
Sogusiunegilautta asingillo erkaumajakka (my childhood and other memories)- Kitora Boas
LABRADOR GALLERY (Michael McDonald)- 

Front cover: Peenamin McKenzie. Courtesy Father Pirson.
Back cover: Inuk man and his dog. Courtesy Kate Hettasch.

Additional information

Weight 0.12 kg
Dimensions 23.0 × 15.5 × .5 cm
Magazine Type

Digital, Physical