Join Us

Would you like to be part of the Them Days team, as a regular or casual volunteer? Maybe you have time to commit to joining the Board? Let us know by filling out this form.

What is involved in volunteering?

Volunteering may involve working in the archives, or helping out with the magazine. (Both local and remote.) This could be typing transcripts, conducting interviews, describing or cataloguing archival collections, proofreading, or serving on a committee (our Board has subcommittees that have non-Board members as well: Human Resources, Editorial [full], Archives, Marketing and Fundraising, Financial).

What’s involved with being on the Them Days Board of Directors?

Board members attend monthly meetings, generally between one to two hours long, on a weekday evening. They are members of one or two subcommittees, which meet approximately once a quarter, depending on the committee. Some business may be conducted via e-mail between Board meetings. Board members must reside in Canada and be at least 18 years old. Terms are generally two years, though some may be one year if the position was vacant. Executive members must be local to the Upper Lake Melville area. Members from other areas of Labrador or Canada must be able to attend via video conferencing software (likely Google Meets).

*Please note that we will post job ads on our main page, our social media channels, JobBank, and the CETNetwork. This is for volunteer commitments.