The Devil’s Torment – Digital Only


The Devil’s Torment written by John O.Heard is a publication from Them Days that is unlike the rest. John O. Heard was born in Cartwright, he started school there and graduated through night classes in Goose Bay. John is a guitarist, poet and an author. The Devil’s Torment is his first book though his poetry has been featured within other Them Days publication.



South of the Mealies

Off to School

Hide behind the Tuckamoors

The Company’s

Across the Bight

Stretchin’ up

Just for Badness

Smoke, Fire and Brimstone

Young and Saucy

The Wood Racket


How’s the Fish?

Skipper Sam’s Place

Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!

Older and Saucier

The Big Bad World

The Devil’s Racket

Bread and Bakeapples

Progress, of Sorts

Drinking and Driving

The Devil’s Torment

The Bad Trapper

Celebrate what? School?

Celebrate what? Christmas?

Celebrate with what?

Over the Mealies and Home